Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Book Review: Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy by Tess Collins

3 of 5 stars false

Helen of Troy is a drama set in small town South USA. The main character, Helen, is a middle-aged wife and runs the town general hardware store. Helen married her high school sweetheart, and they've had ups and downs through the years. The dialogue and their struggles are very realistic, and remind me of some of my friends and the drama that is in their life. Add in gossip and small-town backstabbing, and you've set the scene for some major drama and reaction. The basic plot involves Helen and her husband having a fight at the town celebration. He's jealous of the grocery store owner across the street that Helen's been eyeing, and takes this chance to go kiss one of Helen's good friends and gets caught in public. Then the fight is on, as the grocery store owner "rescues" Helen and takes her over to his store/apartment. The whole town chooses sides and gets involved in the fight. Then the blizzard hits. This book has a lot of self-introspective about life, your expectations, and how your actions affect the people around you.

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