Thursday, April 25, 2013

Goodreads First Read - Arrived!

Today when I got home from work, I found that my winning book in the Goodreads First Read giveaway contest had arrived:

This is a win-it-before-you-can-buy-it opportunity.  The book is scheduled to be released on April 30th.  Very exciting that I get to be one of the first ones to read the book and write a review for it.  I'm also excited  because for the first time my First Read book is an author that I have already read and enjoyed.

For those of you who are not familiar with - it is a websites where people that love books can come together.  
  • You can list, rate, and review books that you have read.
  • Play book trivia
  • Join groups to discuss books
  • See updates from your friends about which books they are reading and see their reviews of books.

The First Reader giveaway program is a contest that allows authors and publishers to give away copies of books to readers.  The intention is to allow the First Reader to read and publish a book review for the book they received.  Writer's Resource is happy to participate with the First Reader giveaway program, both as a reader/reviewer and as a publisher sharing our author's books with the public.

If you happen to be an author and would like help sharing your book in this program, contact to get information about our book promotion services.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Memes: Fun Joke for Today

Sometime to make you giggle, as we finish up our Monday.  :)

Video: Writer's Resource Young Authors Children's Book Contest


Presenting our new video.  This weekend the creative team at Writer's Resource put our heads together to make a fun video explaining our new Young Authors Children's Book Contest.  

The backstory from the video...

Our model book is about Fred, the Vampire Octopus.  He's not all that bad though.  Instead of sucking blood, he sucks the ink out of other octopi (plural of octopus) and uses the ink to write his own story.  Fred's story is about a mermaid that falls in love with an octopus, and the two live happily every after.

For more information on our contest, check out our website:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: Interesting Companions

Have you read a thousand books?  What genres do you read? Do you read in the same genre or branch out to many different areas?  What do you think are some of the most interesting genres to read?  Do you find that reading gives you more background knowledge and a give you a more interesting edge in conversations?

I'm a voracious reader.  Reading is most often a part of my daily routine.  Fiction books are my bread-and-butter, and I prefer happy endings and not too much drama.  I enjoy action and thrillers, especially if they have a historical or mythical backstory.  I like to read nonfiction on topics that interest me, which covers a wide range from science, humor, bibliographies, animal stories, mythology, and ancient history.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Looking for your YouTube video!

Looking for your video about the Writer's Resource Young Authors Children's Book Contest.  What can your video be about?
  • Document your journey creating your book
  • Create a fun video promoting the contest
  • Make a video explaining to someone else how to write a book

Once your video is created, upload it to YouTube.  Then, share it:
  • On Twitter:  send to @TulsaWriters with #writersresourcecontest
  • On Facebook: write on our Page!
  • Or share the link below this blog in the Comments section.

What's in it for you*?  Fun and a chance for your 5 minutes of fame!

*Videos have no impact on your book submission and no correlation to winning the contest.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Memes: Problems when technology and books meet

Oh no!  I forgot to check my battery life and now the Kindle is dead.  Who hasn't that happened too?  If you're lucky, you're at home, and get get wired up to your computer and read while it's charging.  When will I start to anticipate and charge up at night before I run out?  Problems of using techo-books!  :)

Are you subscribed to our Mailing List?  Stay up-to-date with all the specials, contests, and new publishing news.

Don't forget to polish up your submission for the Young Authors Children's Book Contest.  Submissions due 5/31/13.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Introducing Young Author's Children's Book Contest

Introducing our Young Authors Children's Book Contest.  Winners will have their book published, and set up for sale on in paperback and eBook form, receive a free paperback copy of their book, and earn all royalties from their book.

Writer's Resource is a family-owned publishing company that has helped authors publish & market their books for the last 10 years.  Linda & Victor grew up here in Tulsa, and are hoping to encourage young Tulsa authors to find their creative side and share their stories.

For more information, visit